Monday, November 15, 2010

Intel excusilve Win_PE Utility (Very rare ,useful and hard to find)

email post
Intel Deployment Assistant Intel ® One-boot Flash Utility, Intel ® Embedded EFI and Microsoft Windows * Preboot Execution Environment (pre-boot execution environment, WinPE) firmware update package

Date:01/04/2009    Status:Previously released
Size:6.97 MB    Language:English
Operating Systems:OS Independent
Detailed Description
This download contains BIOS and Firmware Update Package for use with the Intel® Deployment Assistant, Intel® One-boot Flash Utility, Intel® embedded EFI shell and Microsoft® Windows Preboot Execution Environment(WinPE).

This package may be used with:
 - Intel® Deployment Assistant 1.4 or later (on the CD or from
 - Intel® One-boot Flash Update (OFU) v9.62 or later (
 - the embedded EFI environment (see EFI_Update_Instructions.txt) or
 - Windows Preboot Execution Environment (WinPE) - availabe in WinPE folder.

BMC    : v15
FRUSDR : 1_06